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Mac OS 7.6.1 Update is the update which fixes any bugs present in Mac OS 7.6 in additions with new features such as PowerPC Interrupt Extension, 54xx/64xx Update, and so on. The PowerBook 3400 Update v1.0 will update the system software to 7.6.1 plus fixes some bugs and added some enhancements for PowerBook 3400. 代号内升级(如10.12.1升级到10.12.6)可下载对应的组合更新后(Combo Update)双击安装, 跨版本升级(如10.11.1升级到10.12.6)需要下载原版镜像双击安装。 Excuse my Mac OS ignorance, but what is the ISO File and what does it do? Steven :) I think it is a file that once you use a program to expand or burn it to CD, it basically makes the original CD, kind of like a zip file.
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